Empty Plastic Choking First Aid Case

The yellow plastic choking first aid case fits all known choking rescue devices

Empty Plastic Choking First Aid Case with hanger

The yellow plastic choking first aid case fits all known choking rescue devices with wall hanger

Empty Plastic Choking First Aid Case with hanger and wall sign

The yellow plastic choking first aid case fits all known choking rescue devices with wall hanger and 3d wall sign

First Aid Kit (LifeVac)

The yellow plastic choking first aid case fits all known choking rescue devices

First Aid Kit (LifeVac) with hanger

The yellow plastic choking first aid case fits all known choking rescue devices with wall hanger

Complete Plastic Choking First Aid Kit with LifeVac Choking Rescue Device Included (includes wall hanger)

This complete kit offers LiveVac first aid device, plastic Grab and Go storage case and Signage to hang above.

Product Features:
Includes Wall Hanger
Choking First Aid Device (LifeVac) in plastic case

First Aid Kit (LifeVac)

The yellow bag with choking first aid kit (LifeVac)